I don’t know why I don’t have a good passion in English. I have a dream to study in foreign country but I don’t like English. Since in junior high school, I didn’t learn English seriously. I felt that English is a difficult lesson till Senior High School. Although I have many friends who expert in English, I don’t have a will to learn that language. I think my interesting in learning Arabic is better than English.

I was aware that English is important to me when the final examination were going to come. I knew my English capability, especially in listening is so bad. I just had about 3 months to prepare it if I wanted to get enough point. I learnt hard. I memorized many vocabularies that I can. I tried to hear many English conservations from cassette. Oh, it made me boring.

Finally, I was able to do the final examination well. Not so good, but I think it was better than all of my English examination. I prepared it seriously and I succeeded in final examination. I got enough point. Not too bad. Oh, that is my memory how I must wait the moment to get awareness on myself about English.

My awareness how important of English for me raised when I was accepted in University. Good understanding of physic theory and concept will be reached if I have enough ability in English to read the physic text book which was written by the Scientist. Oh my God, am I so late to learn English? I think I’m not late yet. I still have enough time to upgrade my capability. But, I don’t have the good environment here. My friends is reluctant when I invited them to speak English or learn English together. Haisss, I think it is crazy. How can the most intellectual person in University using English reluctantly? I don’t know.

But now, I don’t have reason that I can’t speak and write in English. My journey to the Europe last year gave me a wisdom that English is important language for me as same as Arabic for a Muslim. Even though my vocabularies is limited in my memory, I will try to add and use it. I must upgrade my memory to remember it. I must train my tongue and mouth to speak English well. I must use it in many conversation and get the friend from abroad.

I like writing. I like to tell my life story to the other. I think I succeeded to do it in Indonesian, my mother language. In my web, I will try to tell some of my stories in English. It will be a way to test my English and will invite my friend from another country to know about me and my story.

My friend, if you find some grammatical errors in this story, please correct me by giving a comment. I will be very glad to learn from you. I will try. Don’t give up myself. You must learn, learn, and learn till your soul is separated to your body.

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